Monday, December 6, 2010

१६ तला परमधामको अति गोप्य रहेको प्रवचन लोकार्पण बारे सुचना !

संयूक्त अधिराज्य (बेलायत) मा अवस्थित श्री कृष्ण प्रणामी सेवा समिति ले पहिलो पटक नयाँ बर्ष २०११ सालको स्वागातार्थ विश्व शान्तीको कामना गर्दै श्री शरदचन्द्र द्वारा "१६ तला परमधामको अति गोप्य रहेको प्रवचन” लोकार्पण को आयोजना गर्न गई रहेको व्यहोरा जानकारी गराउन चाहन्छौं ।

बिश्व शान्ती कामना आरती तथा प्रवचन श्री शरदचन्द्र तथा शास्त्री महाराज श्री तिलक चैतन्य ज्यू को नेतृत्वमा गरिनेछ ।

श्री शरदचन्द्र नौ बर्ष अघि श्री बिष्णु भगवान, श्रीराधाकृष्ण तथा श्री राज्जी श्याम श्यामाजीको दर्शन पाएर भयानक पक्षघातको रोगले ग्रस्त भएर कालको मुख बाट ओकलिएकी थिईन । उनको आत्माको जन्म, न्वारण, नामाकरण श्रीदेवचन्द्र महाराजबाट गरिएको तथा कठोर तपस्याहरु पार गर्दै दर्शन प्रवचन हरेक साताको शनिवार आईतबार र सोमबार उनै भगवानहरु र सतचितानन्द स्वामी श्री सतगुरु द्वारा गरिन्दै आएको दस्तावेज श्री रामकृष्ण सुनुवार "आँकाला” बाट प्रस्तुत गरिने छ ।
श्रीशरदचन्द्र द्वारा नेपाली, उर्दु, गुजराती तथा संस्कृत भाषामा समेत श्रीदेबचन्द्र महाराजको आत्मा व्यथा प्रस्तुत गर्नु भएको कुरा अवगत गराउन चाहन्छौं ।

यस महत्वपूर्ण दिनमा एउटा नौलो दर्शन, खोज-साहित्यको प्रत्यक्ष अनुभुति गर्नको लागि साहित्यकार, पत्रकार, संचारकर्मी, पण्डित, गुरु-पुरोहित, लामा, माताहरु, बिभिन्न पक्षका भक्तजनहरु तथा सम्पूर्ण बिज्ञ महानुभावहरुलाई कार्यक्रममा पाल्नु भई गरिमा बढाई दिनु हुनको लागि हार्दिक अनुरोध तथा निमन्त्रणा टत्रुयाउँदछौं।

मिति :    २ जनवरी २०११
समय :    दिउँसो १३:३० बजे
स्थान:     Langley Pavillion community Centre
            Langley road (opposite of harrow market)
            Slough, Berkshire
            SL3 8BS

RSVP:    सिट, जलपान तथा कार parking को व्यवस्थापनको लागि तलका ब्यक्तिहरु संग ईच्छुक महानुभावहरुले सम्पर्क गरेर उक्त दिन उपस्थित हुने जानकारी 25 December 2010 भित्र दिनु भई स्थान सुरक्षित गर्न्र्रको लागि निबेदन टत्रुयाउँदछौं।

सम्पर्क:           व्यक्ति                           ईमेल                             स्काईप                                 टेलिफोन

           >L /fdsi0f
cfsfnf                ramkrishna.sunwar                07878674319  
               >L s]z/ kf08]                 panday.keshar6503               07988720677
               >L ofdbf; ;'g'jf/                     hustle903                               07828679128 


श्री कृष्ण प्रणामी सेवा समिित
संयुक्त अधिराज्य (बेलायत)

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Prabas Rahar

Prabas Rahar:  I had a dream to fly to a wonderful land - Prabas.  All the trouble being in the distance from home land forced me to write something.  (I = many people like me) The aim of this blog is to store the collection of  creation while in the distant land (Prabas).  That is why this blog has been designed for me by Mr Bhanu Sunuwar, really appreciate for it.

Thank you very much for contributing your valued time.  Your comment / advise and providing prabas ko Rahar article would provide much more energy to develop this blog.

With kind regards

Ramkrishna "ANKALA"


                                                                         Mr Prabuddha Sunwar 
There’s a hole in the wall
A mess on the floor
And only 1 cake left
When there used to be four, plus
The fish is hard to ignore.

The dog had a trim
With a blunt pastry cutter
Now he’s wearing your nightie
And looks like a complete nutter
And your keys magically
Disappeared down the gutter.

The budgie flew off
Said it needed some room
And doesn’t Gran always
Stick gum to her face?
And surely a carpet’s
Not hard to replace

The toothpaste was switched
With the glue meant or tiling
It sets really quickly
Now everyone’s smiling
And the fire brigade called
Some mistake about dialling

Yes I know he’s a baby
Who can’t leave his cot
But when your back’s turned
He gets up to a lot
Let him try and deny it
I bet he cannot


                                                                    Mr Prabuddha Sunwar
                                                                                                       Year 6, Le Cateau Community School
Today I had a problem
when I tried to make my bed.
My blankets and my comforter
got wrapped around my head.

I went to fluff the pillows
but the pillow cover tore,
and feathers flew all over
as I stumbled 'round the floor.

I accidentally grabbed the sheets
and pulled them as I fell.
I have to say, it seems
my day's not starting off too well.

I tripped upon a pillowcase
and landed in a heap.
Good grief! That's it! I'm staying here
and going back to sleep!


                                                                                                                   Mr Prabuddha Sunwar
                                                                                                                Year 6, Le Cateau Community School
Once there was a snowman,
Who stood outside the door,
He wished that he could come inside,
And run around the floor.

He wished that he could warm himself,
Beside the fire, so red,
He wished that he could climb
Upon the big white bed.

So he called to the North Wind,
"Come and help me, pray,
for I'm completely frozen,
Standing here all day."

So the North Wind came along,
And blew him in the door,
And now there nothing left,
But a puddle on the floor!